Who Can We Help?

Companies with 401 k, 403b, 457 plans located in those states where we have a presence.

As the Owner of the company, it's Controller or CFO, Human Resources Administrator, you are responsible for a plan ranging from $3 Million to $10 million in plan assets.

You may have concerns about tax reporting to ensure compliance with the tax code as it relates to retirement plans. You may be seeking help with plan administration and meeting the new Department of Labor regulations. Or you may be looking to increase plan participation or settle business succession issues. Or, perhaps, you may want to establish a new plan on a stable, durable footing.

Business Owners who have been in business for 5 years or more. 

Almost every waking moment goes into running your business, which leaves little time for your own personal financial planning.

You may want an experienced guide who takes the time to understand where you have been, what you are doing now, and where you want to go with your business and your life over the next 5 to 10 years.

Physicians and Dentists with a practice that you have worked hard to establish and grow.

You may be ready for coherent advice that is tailored to your special situation. You know that the sooner you start, the more options you will have. 

Individuals who have retired or are about to retire and aren't sure where to turn.

You want an unbiased and experienced hand to guide you through the clutter and confusion, so that you can reach the retirement of your dreams. Most importantly, you will gain an experienced advisor to help you alleviate the pressing concern about outliving your money.

High Net Worth Individuals and Their Families

You seek counsel in managing a sizable investment portfolio (Minimum of $500M in Assets).

You need a holistic and integrated approach to managing your financial life that includes retirement planning and estate planning, along with investment advisory services that are custom tailored to your particular needs.

Our Clients Have These Qualities In Common:

They are individuals or businesses who are looking for a "fee based" advisor.........

They want an objective "consultant" who is compensated by the fees that their clients pay, not by commissions for selling a certain product or a specific strategy.

They desire a professional approach to managing their money.

They are not caught up in the day to day gyrations of the financial markets. Instead, they commit to a well thought system and harvest the benefits of a 5 to 10 year time horizon.